Clădiri locale, Comunități evreiești, Cultură evreiască, Istoria evreilor, Jewish Personalities, Local Buildings
The emancipation of Transylvanian Jewry was a complex process throughout the 19th century, influenced by political, social and cultural changes in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
On January 28 at 5:00 PM, Muzeon, in partnership with PATRIR, will host the opening of the temporary exhibition "Solidarity in the Past, Reflections for Today," marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
An issue of great interest to historical researchers is the origin and longevity of Jews settled in Romania.
Sunday, December the 10th 2023, the temporary exhibition "Klezmer Vibrations in Transylvania" was officially opened.
Among the most interesting new developments in modern Jewish music is the rediscovery at the end of the 20th century of klezmer music, the popular music of European Jews (Ashkenazi), a musical genre that had 'disappeared' for several decades.
The languages spoken throughout history by Jews around the world is a particular subject in the history of the Jewish people. From the time of the Israelite tribes who settled in Canaan between the 14th and 13th centuries BC to the present day, four major languages can be identified: Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish and Ladino. These were influenced, and from these different dialects developed depending on the area in which they were settled and the historical period we are talking about.
Cultură evreiască, Jewish Culture, Jewish Personalities, Oameni de știință, Personalități evreiești, Scientists
Jews regard Codex Maimonides as one of the fundamental texts of Jewish law, especially among Sephardic Jews. Maimonides was the first to index the entire body of the Oral Law, namely the two Talmuds, the various halakhic Midrashim, later works written by the Geonites and even the Kabbalistic texts, compiling them all in a logical and systematic manner.
In the archive of our museum there is a newspaper called The Camp Newspaper (Táborihiradó), a rare document. It was written by Jewish prisoners in the Szentkirályszabadja labour camp in Hungary. It is interesting to follow the topics discussed in the context in which it was written. One article that piqued our interest is about health.
Starting in November 2022, Muzeon is participating in the second phase of the DOORS incubator programme. The initiative helps smaller European museums that want to take a step forward into the digitised world.