Our Audio Guides

The Stories Told at Muzeon

During your visit to the museum, you can choose to hear the personal story of one of three different people who lived in the previous century, as if they were standing right next to you and accompanying you throughout the experience: Julia, Paul, and David. It is a single museum that provides three distinct experiences.

Paul Lusztig

A story about resilience

Julia Rosenberger

A story about salvation

David Irányi

A story about survival

Archival materials were used to recreate the first-person narratives heard in the audio guide at Muzeon, which were then performed by professional actors. The stories can be heard in Romanian, English, Hungarian or German, depending on your preference. Currently, we have text translations of the audio guide and of the museum content in Hebrew, French, and Spanish.

In addition to the audio guide, the museum offers a variety of interactive activities and Virtual Reality goggles to further enhance the visitor’s experience. At Muzeon you learn about Jewish customs and traditions, how the Jewish community has influenced local culture and how significant historical events were felt by the three different guides.

Who contributed to the audio guide


The people who contributed to the production of the audio guide at Muzeon

  • Research and script: Flavia Craioveanu
  • Adaptation: Diana Roșca
  • Voice directing: Dan Craioveanu
  • Sound and audio design: Edi Raita
  • Documentation and text: Cătălin Bogdan
  • Scientific council: József Lukács & Zoltán Tibori Szabó
Romanian voice acting
  • Paul: Dudu Isabel
  • Agnes: Diana Roșca
  • David: Edi Raita
  • Peter: Dudu Isabel
  • Julia: Diana Roșca
  • Nomi: Anca Hanu
English voice acting
  • Paul: Szabolcs Balla
  • Agnes: Anca Hanu
  • David: Loránd Farkas
  • Peter: Szabolcs Balla
  • Julia: Anca Hanu
  • Nomi: Diana Roșca
Hungarian voice acting
  • Paul: Szabolcs Balla
  • Agnes: Anikó Pethő
  • David: Loránd Farkas
  • Peter: Szabolcs Balla
  • Julia: Anikó Pethő
  • Nomi: Réka Csutak
  • The Spanish translation was made by Radu-Andrei Olari as a volunteer.
  • The French and German translations were made by volunteers from the George Coșbuc National College in Cluj-Napoca.
  • The Hebrew translation was made by Gavriella Bigio Dahan, and was sponsored by Chabad Cluj-Napoca.

Tuesday ‒ Sunday: 10am ‒ 06pm
Monday: Closed

Adults: 29 lei
Children & Students (up to the age of 26): 19 lei
Persons over 65: 15 lei
Omnipass Card: 15 lei
Persons with disabilities (IV & III degree): 19 lei
Persons with disabilities (II & I degree): Free
Members of the Cluj Jewish Community: Free

Tuesday ‒ Sunday: 10am ‒ 06pm
Monday: Closed

Adults: 29 lei (6 €)
Children & Students (up to the age of 26): 19 lei (4 €)
Persons over 65: 15 lei (3 €)
Omnipass Card: 15 lei (3 €)
Members of the Cluj Jewish Community: Free

3 Virgil Fulicea Street
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(+40) 364 100 472
(+40) 364 153 654