Temporary Exhibition


Solidarity in the Past, Reflections for Today
Afiș pentru o expoziție temporară intitulată 'Solidaritate în trecut, reflecții pentru astăzi', organizată la Cluj-Napoca. Fundalul afișului este de culoare deschisă, cu imagini suprapuse care includ decupaje din ziare vechi, fotografii și postere istorice legate de solidaritate. Textul principal include: 'Solidaritate – Solidaritate în trecut, reflecții pentru astăzi'. Evenimentul a avut loc pe 28 ianuarie 2025, la ora 17:00, la Muzeul de pe strada Virgil Fulicea nr. 3, Cluj-Napoca. Logo-urile partenerilor sunt afișate în partea de jos a afișului.


You will discover several personal stories of ingenuity, solidarity, and resistance against far-right regimes in Romania during the interwar period and World War II. These are personal journeys of individuals who faced discrimination, violence, and isolation and chose to resist—whether to help their families, friends, or acquaintances, or simply to survive. They speak to us about tactics, strategies, and personal motivations that drove acts of opposition, as well as the consequences of these decisions.

The selection of these materials also serves as a reflection on the collective memory of far-right ideologies and policies. Collective memory—a social and political construct—fluctuates, changes, and sometimes disappears, directly influenced by the power dynamics of a given period. This exhibition highlights these aspects of the dynamics of collective memory. Among the selected stories, there are also reflections from the protagonists on how their personal histories are remembered by others or presented in the public sphere. 

In the exhibition you will discover:

5 examples of solidarity and resistance
Personal stories of ingenuity, solidarity, and courage
Lessons from the past and essential values for today's society

The exhibition was organised and curated by Muzeon, in collaboration with PATRIR (Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania), as part of the SolRem project, funded by the European Commission.


The exhibition opening will take place on January 28, 2025, at 5:00 PM. The exhibition can be visited Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (last entry at 5:30 PM), and admission is free of charge. The exhibition also includes a free of charge audio guide. 

Tuesday ‒ Sunday: 10am ‒ 06pm
Monday: Closed

Adults: 29 lei (6 €)
Children & Students (up to the age of 26): 19 lei (4 €)
Persons over 65: 15 lei (3 €)
Omnipass Card: 15 lei (3 €)
Members of the Cluj Jewish Community: Free

3 Virgil Fulicea Street
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(+40) 364 100 472
(+40) 364 153 654