DOORS – Digital Incubator for Museums programme Stage II
Today, we want to share with you an exciting update about our activity at Muzeon, as part of the DOORS – Digital Incubator for Museums programme. We have recently advanced to Stage II of the programme, together with 19 other European museums. We’ve already started attending DOORS seminars and working on our new project, called “An inclusive digital transformation of the museum experience.” As a museum based on storytelling, put in action via our own audio guide web application, during the DOORS incubator programme which ends in September 2023, we’ll implement new features in our audio guide web app that will help us enhance the storytelling experience for people visiting the museum, and for other local museums as well.
At Muzeon, we believe in the power of personal stories to bring history and culture closer to people. Our permanent exhibition is based on the lives of three real people, Julia, Paul, and David, who share their personal and true stories through our audio guide, presenting the history and culture of Transylvanian Jewry from the 20th century and the events of the Holocaust from three different perspectives.
Screenshot of our audio guide web application featuring our three virtual museum guides.
As part of the DOORS Incubation programme, Muzeon aims to expand its audio guide web application by adding content in more languages besides those that we already have and use in our web app: Romanian, English, and Hungarian. Our goal is to make the storytelling experience available to a larger public, more precisely to speakers of Hebrew, German, and French. With technology becoming an increasingly important part of our lives, we will also introduce more features that would make our audio guide app more accessible to seniors, and people with vision or hearing impairment. We will also create a content manager to make adding new content to our web app easier. Eventually, we will market the audio guide web app to other museums, meaning that we’ll help contribute to the digitalisation of other local institutions with more ease.
Screenshot of our audio guide web application featuring the languages that are currently available in the museum tour, audio and text.
We are thrilled to be a part of the DOORS programme and to have the opportunity to learn new methods that will help us enhance the storytelling experience for our visitors and for fellow colleagues. We will keep you updated on our progress, so stay tuned!
Consortium Partners
DOORS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036071.